Trinity youth ministry - "Wow!"


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Nursery: We love God's youngest children. Every Sunday morning, we look forward to sharing God's love with the babies and toddlers. Whether it be rocking a baby to sleep, feeding the child a bottle, playing with the child, or even changing a diaper, our nursery staff is ready to be the hands of Christ, holding our youngest children.

Children and Youth Sunday School: “Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 KJV  

Children at Trinity learn the basic, essential Bible stories and songs, along with crafts and activities. 

Children's Church: During our worship service, we provide multiple avenues for our children to experience and share God's love and truth. Each Sunday, our children collect a "change offering" in the congregation at worship. This offering is dedicated to youth activities, both in our community and around the world. After this offering and a music special, children are encouraged to participate in lessons that use a variety of methods to help teach God's truth to them in understandable ways!

Wednesday Youth Group!

   This is an OUTREACH youth group. We are proud of ALL of our kids and wish to lead them into a transforming relationship with the Christ of scripture.

   FOOD: These kids are hungry! A dedicated staff of volunteers donates time and money each week to ensure that the kids are filled.

   FAITH: We currently offer six small groups for Christian growth and important large-group, age-appropriate teaching. Oftentimes, today's youth have no effective memory of any of the Christian teaching and hope that we are presenting.  It is amazing to see these kids come to Christ!

   FELLOWSHIP: One of the important factors that has increased attendance in youth group is the unstructured time we allow for the youth and children to be together. Trinity has given these youth an experience in COMMUNITY. Today's youth are often isolated and low in communication skills. Our kids are gaining interpersonal skills, even as they contend with each other. We are seeing them grow and gaining maturity that will help them all through their lives.

   Any adult who is committed to helping needy youth break out of various forms of poverty is invited to JOIN OUR YOUTH TEAM!